Rory Phillips | Design, Illustration and Creative Content x
January 17, 2014
17 Jan 2014

Mod 2014 Wall Calendar

Mod Calendar 2014

Two color screen-printed wall calendar for 2014! Inspired by all the awesome mod coffee cups my parents had when I was a kid. More accurately, inspired by an idealized version of how I remember them, filtered through a haze of romanticized nostalgia. Now I kind of want to design some coffee cups, mostly so I can have them. At the end of the year you can cut the print free of the obsolete calendar and enjoy the print for years to come. 12.5inx19in

I’ve been really bad about so much stuff from last year that never made it to the blog. For example I did this calendar for Crafty Wonderland and I’m only posting about them now. I’ve been just so busy, which is good but I’m making a resolution to be more diligent about posting and sharing.

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