Rory Phillips | Design, Illustration and Creative Content x
February 5, 2013
05 Feb 2013

Strife on Mars

Strife on Mars

Bowie vs. Kaiju

A poster for fictitious Japanese movie staring David Bowie as a Mecha Pilot battling Kaiju on Mars. It is kind of a space opera with giant robots and monsters. Plus a lot of great original Bowie songs on the Strife on Mars soundtrack.

Since so many people have contacted me recently I have put more second edition prints in the Shop

Bowie plays Flight Captain of the 8th Mars Mecha Squadron, nicknamed “The Spiders”. When Kaiju (strange giant monsters) from beyond the X dimension attack the human colonies of Mars, it’s up to Bowie and The Spiders to save the last human outpost on Mars. With the help of plucky female scientist Rin Ayumi and her young nephew Hiro can Bowie discover the secret to defeating the Kaiju? And who is the mysterious time traveler Ako-X? Tune in to Strife on Mars to find out!

24 replies

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  1. Eileen says:

    I really want a print of this!!

  2. Eileen says:

    Woohoo!! Just purchased one!!!

  3. Kevin Greene says:

    YO. As a huge Kaiju fan (and I love Bowie, too. Nice “Life on Mars” pun…) I am really digging this. Love Japanese movie posters and you really rocked this. Excellent work, sir!

  4. stevetalkowski says:

    Mine just arrived today and I absolutely LOVE it. Thanks again, Rory. Looking forward to more awesome releases!

    • Rory Phillips says:

      I’m so psyched you like it! Sorry it took so long to reach you USPS said it was supposed to arrive like a week ago. I hope no one else is experiencing long delays.

  5. Gibby Goo Bop says:

    That’s a ZANTASTIC poster, my friend! Nice work!!

    Now everybody, sing along…


  6. (@GeekFilter) says:

    Love my poster! Have up where I can see it while I’m work. When I have a super-bland design job it reminds me there is still fun to be had!

  7. (@GeekFilter) says:

    And wow, I really massacred that second sentence!

  8. Orange Skies says:

    Love this! I am desperate for this print, will buy 2! Will there be a reprint??

  9. Heathen says:

    Please reprint would love to have this poster!!!

  10. PrettyCranium says:

    I would love a print of this. Please consider re-printing, and contact me if you do! It combines my two favorite things, David Bowie and Japanese pop culture. And it looks stunning.

  11. Chris says:

    Reprint in honor of his passing maybe?

  12. Heathen says:

    So how about Bowie in a Tesla?


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  1. […] Rory Phillips: A poster for fictitious Japanese movie staring David Bowie as a Mecha Pilot battling Kaiju on Mars. It is kind of a space opera with giant robots and monsters. Plus a lot of great original Bowie songs on the Strife on Mars soundtrack. […]

  2. […] Rory Phillips: A poster for fictitious Japanese movie staring David Bowie as a Mecha Pilot battling Kaiju on Mars. It is kind of a space opera with giant robots and monsters. Plus a lot of great original Bowie songs on the Strife on Mars soundtrack. […]

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