I Have always thought Wonder Woman should look more like a warrior, and less like a pinup. The Amazons of Classical Greek lore were from the region of Scythia. I wanted her outfit to reflect that culture and be almost ceremonial.
Meteor Hammer
I know her lasso is one of her Icons. But it comes from the lurid bondage themes of pulp comics, and felt to pinup to me. So I modified it to an exotic warriors weapon, a Meteor Hammer, a length of rope with weighted ends, think Gogo Yubari from Kill Bill.
Death Mask
She needs a way to protect her identity, so I gave her a Ceremonial Death Mask she could wear into battle. It would be good for headbutting too.
Awesome all around person Rachel’ghul @DarthRachel did this unbelievably great cosplay of my Wonder Woman redesign. It looks perfect! It’s a really amazing thing to have someone bring your imagination to life so wonderfully! She has an fantastic blog you should check out to! scienceofdiscontent.tumblr.com/